False flag terror attack for a year
(too old to reply)
Sung Sung
2011-09-19 21:06:50 UTC
Intensify false flag terror attack planned by the Feds since last

651. Terror case around 10/27 (11/2/2010)

My wife was arranged an unusual Chinese trip from 10/17 to 10/27. If a
framed drug case broke out at this time, big events would be created
to distract public attention. Either there would be natural disasters
(artificial), or terror attacks, or the war on Iran, or all of them. A
typical one was the plot of April 8, 2009. My wife, severely sickened
with flu, returned from her China trip on that day. Around 4/8/2010,
there was a pandemic took place in Mexico that killed 168 people in
that month. Later, government said that was a new flu and gave it a
new name - Swine flu. I had accurately predicted that event in "596.
Bio-attack in the name of pandemic (3/30/09)".

This time the big event was terror attack. On 10/29, media made it a
big news that two mail bombs from Yemen were found on separate cargo
planes. The information was delivered by Saudi-Arabia security to US
on 10/28. I think if Feds had activated the framed drug case on 10/27,
next day there would be a series of terror bombings in US and Europe.
That could have developed to a nuclear attack. People could see it
from their pre-psychological propaganda.

Re: "10/10/21 Clinton Lost Nuclear 'Biscuit'

Published October 21, 2010

At the time, Patterson described how Clinton misplaced the card for
months, confessing the loss after being asked to provide the card so
it could be replaced with an updated code.

ABC noted that a similar claim was made about former President Jimmy
Carter, who was said to have left the card with the launch codes in a
suit sent to the dry cleaner.


Quote, "Oops! US Air Force loses 50 nukes

Published 28 October, 2010

US military lost track of 50 intercontinental ballistic missiles
recently. The incident became public after a former Air Force officer
tweeted about the loss of communication between the missiles and the
control center.

http://rt.com/Top_News/2010-10-28/usa-lost-nukes-missiles.html "

Clinton time is a decade away. Carter time is much older. Why would
they beat a dead horse? It's similar to the recent attack on Roman
Catholic with decades old sex abusing cases. There is a purpose behind
it. Did other presidents of US have committed similar negligence? Why
Clinton and Carter were picked up? It's because they are in same party
with current president - Obama. To make it easy for people to believe
Demo-controlled government is negligent in security. These events are
used to justify a coming nuclear terror attack. The two news within a
week is not a coincidence. It opens a passage of nuclear attack when
the low end gate (operation) of air force and the high end gate
(command) of President are both opening.

These bombing attack news and nuclear negligence news were all
released at a time around 10/27.

652. Another plot of nuclear attack (11/11/2010)

I allege Feds planned a nuclear attack on US in later October. If you
remember, there was an attempt of similar attack on August 30, 2007
when a B-52 carried 6 loaded nuclear missile flied over US continent.

On August 28, 2007, media reported that Bush accepted the resignation
of Attorney General Gonzales. His top adviser - Karl Rove also left
his post on August 30. The news told us that the rat always is the
first to learn the ship would sink. And this time, we got:

by arminius33 ? Mon Oct 11, 2010

What makes this latest development all the more ominous is that
Emmanuel is not the only VIP within organized Zionist interests
getting our of Dodge. Shortly after Emmanuel's announcement, the
political world was rocked with the news literally within days of each
others that Emmanuel's colleagues, namely David Axelrod (Obama's Chief
Political Advisor) and Larry Summers (Chief Economic Advisor)
announced they were leaving as well.


Emmanuel left for no convincible reason. He just cut off the
relationship to a criminal nuclear attack like what Karl Rove and
Gonzales had done.

Another man had predicted this terror attack.

Quote, "Alex Jones Predicts Staged Terror Attack in October-November

We have Obama and Clinton advisers saying, "What Obama needs is a
giant terror attack to win the mid term elections and to get a second
term in 2012'.

It means the Obama administration approved the plot for the interest
of their party. The plot went soured when they failed to frame me into
a drug case.

On 11/2 I wrote "651. Terror case around 10/27 (11/2/2010)". Next day
afternoon something strange happened while I logged into E-Bay's
forum. I found I could post everything except #651. Then I was blocked
to post in the internet. Next day (11/4) the problem continued. I went
to library. There in Chinese newspaper "World Journal" there was an
article about "Asian Carp". It said the authority changed their policy
- they will kill and eat the Asian Carp instead of intercept them. It
was obviously an intimidation. #651 revealed their plot. Feds are so
angry that they decide to kill and eat me. How to kill and eat? I
don't know. But it proves I am very correct on their mafia style
communication. see "642. Next step, a Chinese spy ring? (8/2/2010) ".
Sung Sung
2011-09-19 21:08:14 UTC
653. Target of nuclear attack - AE911 TRUTH (11/18/2010)

There was a missile launch on Nov.8 off California coast.
[quote], "Mystery Rocket Launch Caught On Camera Off California Coast
- Expert Interviewed


The odd thing is Pentagon denied it knew there was a rocket launching.
I allege it was part of "later October plot". Either it was a practice
of the plot or a signal to the counterpart of the Feds - the rogue
teams of secret police of other joined countries, among them U.K. and
China are sure conspirators. It convinces them that the Feds did have
prepared a nuclear attack on US.

One thing should be noticed is that there were multiple targets Feds
planned to attack. In Aug. 30, 2007, six nuclear missiles were loaded
on B-52. In this later October plot, 50 intercontinental ballistic
missiles lost track. In "511. Seven most wanted cities by Feds
(9/28/2007)" I said that Washington DC, Boston and Houston were the
possible targets. In this plot, I add two more cities: New York and
San Francisco. The reason: there are people live there Whom Feds fear
so much.

For many times, I said that Feds planned framed drug case on me with
big events to distract. So many times their plans didn't go through
because they failed to frame me in drug case. Iran war delayed again
and again because for Feds, Iran war is less important then a witness
to their crime. Two months ago, another big threat appeared.

[quote] Evidence Refutes the Official 9/11 Investigation: The
Scientific Forensic Facts

by Richard Gage and Gregg Roberts
Global Research, October 13, 2010
Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth - 2010-10-04

http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=21436 [/quote]

"Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth" is a professional group. The
evidence they gave is a fatal to the Feds. AE911 TRUCE press
conference to media on 9/9/2010 must have rattled the Feds. I think it
motivated the Feds again to activate the second nuclear attack in
later October. To eliminate individual, Feds could frame a drug case.
How can they eliminate a group? There are hundreds of them. One easy
way (for the Feds) is: a nuclear attack.

The home base of AE911 TRUTH is in San Francisco (Berkeley?), that's
why I think it becomes a target. The other one is the New York City.

654. A 90 days' project (11/30/2010)

The 10/27/2010 plot went soured. For which Feds created UPS mail bomb
case. The plot ends with BBC's announcement.

UPS Yemen Bomb Scare is a Hoax BBC Confirms NO Explosives

Obama lies about the Bomb at Midlands UK airport, BBC don't even try
to hide it. As the producer in V for Vendetta says "It's not our job
to make up the news, that's the governments"

The FAKE bomb attack comes 4 days before the Midterms, and 3 days
after British Airways said security was to tight and that naked body
scanners were too intrusive, how convenient for those America scanner
makers that this story would break. [/quote]

Anyhow, a new 90 days project is set up immediately. Here is a strange

"Israel's Netanyahu unveils U.S. plan for new talks

By Allyn Fisher-Ilan Allyn Fisher-ilan ¨C Sat Nov 13,


The US has given Israel a written guarantee that it won't pressure the
Jewish state for additional settlement freezes if it accepts a limited
90 day construction moratorium to revive Mideast peace talks.

My interpretation of this news is: US covertly promised Israel to
activate the war on Iran in exchange for a peace agreement between
Israel and Palestine . For years the promise was broken again and
again. Isarel. loses patience and starts its settlement construction
in Palestinian's land. This time, to assure Israel, Feds gave Israel a
written paper to guarantee a war.

On 11/8, a mystery missile launched off California coach. I now think
it was a signal to the rogue team of the counterpart of the Feds in
collaborate countries. It indicates that the Feds determined to
activate a nuclear attack.

November 11, 2010 posted by Gordon Duff

By Gordon Duff STAFF WRITER/Senior Editor

¡°The 2010 election had one purpose, war with Iran, even if the risk
is world conflict and the real loser, no matter what happens on the
battlefield is the United States.¡±

Plans are in motion for a ¡°false flag¡± attack on America. Iran
will be blamed, everyone knows that and Iran will be totally
innocent. This is the last thing Iran would ever want. The most
likely scenario is a nuclear attack. Two bombs are missing, bombs
built by Israel in South Africa and lost long ago. These were
supposedly Saddam¡¯s bombs. Now we are told Iran has them. Israel
has had them all along and the fear, they may be inside the United
States already.


Sung Sung
2011-09-27 00:10:09 UTC
655. Bin Laden and Julian Assange, False flag and living plant

On 12/4, I wrote an article "Wiki-Leaks is another false flag" and
posted it in APFN. One hour later, I was surprised to find the topic
was replied by Julian Assange. I don't think it was Assange himself
did it. He is on the run. Most likely it is the work of his handler -
the Feds. The purpose is to link me to a would be "criminal". Assange
is a living plant like Bin Laden. Here is the topic:

[quote] Wiki-Leaks is another false flag ?kathaksung, Sat Dec 4 09:27

* Thats not all, Netanyahu said.... ?Percy, Sat Dec 4 18:52

o Julian Assange answers your questions ?Julian Assange, Sat Dec 4


Bin Laden is a living plant.

In 1990, Soviet bloc collapsed. US intelligence turned its resource
which used to deal with Soviet bloc to the new target - Mid-east
countries which are rich in natural resource. Bin Laden, an asset of
the CIA in Afghanistan war(against Russian), was revived in this new
project as a false flag - Islamic extremist. He went to Sudan first in

[quote]The Sudanese offered to arrest Bin Laden and extradite him to
Saudi Arabia .


Saudi and US didn't take the offer with various excuse because Bin
Laden is a living plant they deployed there.

In 1995, Bin Laden tried to set up a connection with Saddam but was

[quote] Exhaustive review finds no link between Saddam, al Qaida

A September 2006 report by the Senate Intelligence Committee concluded
that Saddam was "distrustful of al Qaida and viewed Islamic extremists
as a threat to his regime, refusing all requests from al Qaida to
provide material or operational support."

The Senate report, citing an FBI debriefing of a senior Iraqi spy,
Faruq Hijazi , said that Saddam turned down a request for assistance
by bin Laden which he made at a 1995 meeting in Sudan with an Iraqi

http://news.yahoo.com/s/mcclatchy/20080310/wl_mcclatchy/2875005 [/

Sudan may have felt the danger to accomodate Bin Laden. In May 1996,
the Sudanese asked bin Laden to leave. He went to Afghan and stay
there until now.

In August 1998, Sudan and Afghanistan were bombed by US missiles.

In 2001, after 911, Afghan, facing US invasion, made an offer but

[quote] Bush rejects Taliban offer to hand Bin Laden over
* Taliban demand evidence of Bin Laden's guilt

guardian.co.uk, Sunday 14 October 2001 22.19 BST

http://www.politic.co.uk/18142-remember-osama.html [/quote]

In Bin Laden's recent 20 years, the countries he went or tried to go,
have something in common: They all have rich natural resources. Sudan
and Iraq have oil. Afghan has rich mine. '

Afghanistan to develop $3 trillion in mining potential
DUBAI | Mon Oct 25, 2010 12:14pm
http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE69O3JP20101025 [/quote]

He didn't go to Yemen, Somali or Syria for his "revolution" because
they are resource poor countries, not in US interest list. He didn't
go to Saudi or Kuwait. Because they are US allies. He only went to
Sudan, Afghan, or Iraq (intended to) because these three countries
were not controlled by US at that time. As a living plant, he gave US
the excuse to activate attack on these three countries. (Even Saddam
realized that Bin Laden was a dangerous living plant and rejected him,
Iraq at last was invaded with an unexisted WMD)

Julian Assange is another false flag and living plant. The target is
not to control natural resource but to control the free speech kindom
- the Internet. If you have noticed that in last month, the events
come with the Wiki-leaks' third leaking. '

[quote] The 19 Senators Who Voted To Censor The Internet
from the free-speech-isn't-free dept


[quote]US Government seizure of the internet has begun; DHS takes over
76 websites

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/030542_censorship_internet.html#ixzz17BCGjPeM

[quote] WIKILEAKS will leak 250.000 documents sunday nov 28
Sat Nov 27, 2010


What will be their next step? Feds will upgrade the secret level of
the leaking document to their puppet Assange. That will finally
justify the legitimate of control of the Internet. When you saw that
Wiki-Leaks is moving from this server to that, this web site to other,
do you realize all these sites could be potential victims of the next
wave of Internet censorship and seizure? Assange does same thing Bin
Laden has done.

I always say that I am the most wanted of the Feds. Though I am always
under the surveillance of the Feds, to set up an internet
communication with a "criminal" could justify their action and turn an
unreasonable search into a reasonable one. On 12/5, (next day that
Assange post reply to my article) A working van of "Direct TV" parked
at my front door. Technician installed something in my neighbor's
house. (we share one roof and the wall) I think that they were
installing detective instrument. My neighbor has had a dish satellite
antenna already.

656. Christmas holiday season plot (12/9/2010)

The next possible action on me and my family likely will be in coming
Christmas and New Year's day holiday season. Feds used to apply a
search and arrest warrant on holiday because there is family re-union
that day. This time the Feds arranged a 7 night Western Carib -
holiday cruise for my family, dated from Dec. 19 to Dec. 26. Of
course, I refused the invitation. It is easy to frame a case or apply
an incident on a trip. Anyhow, that will cut my connection to most of
my relatives. My mother, my wife and my daughter, my siblings and
their spouse all joined that trip. Moreover, my wife's cousins - Dr.
Wang (Huang) and Mr. Wang (Huang) Yi Hong and their spouse also will
join the trip. They were murder targets too. see: 223. FBI director
said Hong Kong will be attacked (4/24/04) 242. Dr. Wang is a target
(7/24)383. The cross murder deal (2/7/06), 392. 12/2 plot to murder
Mr. Wang Yi Hong (3/15/06).

This is third long time trip for my wife this year. It never happen
before. It only proves how intensify the persecution is going on.

Last month (November) there was a fire in another cruise ship
Carnival. It drifted on the sea for three days without power. "They
can call it a nightmare. A cruise from hell." (AP) said.

I think it was a drill of the Feds, though the usual practice is food
poison. It was a psychological pre-planting to justify a coming
incident of Royal Caribean (a cruise arranged for my family) if a
framed case would go through. And that will be followed by terror
attacks, (nuclear attack) Korean crisis and Iran war.
Sung Sung
2011-09-27 00:11:20 UTC
657. Internet control and computer plant (12/16/2010)

On Dec. 7, I wrote "655. Bin Laden and Julian Assange, False flag and
living plant (12/7/2010)". Later that day, I learned that Assange
turned himself in to the British police. I think that was a swift
reaction to my analysis. When Assange's real face was exposed, it was
unnecessary to maintain the puppet show. Anyhow, his mission is done.
The Internet censorship law- COICA, will go through the House next
month even he is absent. WikiLeaks established in 2007. The high tide
is in recent days. Feds finally consume Julian Assange in my case. On
12/4, they set up a link between Assange and I by answering my post
with his name. Then when I correctly revealed his role is a false flag
on 12/7, they ended his hide and seek game earlier than planned.

This time the possible accusation the Feds apply on me might be
"access the secret site". I worry that Feds had planted some secret in
my computer. I bought a note-book one year ago. I seldom use it
because it was heavily harassed by the Feds. The telephone line was
blocked; wireless didn't work; even the software Microsoft Word didn't
work. Three months ago, my wife suddenly became active on computer
with the excuse that she wanted to watch the movie from the Internet.
Then came an AT&T technician who found problem in outside station. So
the line was opened. Then my wife asked a computer specialist work on
my note-book. He downloaded some program into my note-book. So I could
go Internet at home and write, store articles with Microsoft Word

Sometime later, I found that new Microsoft office software having
strange character. It kept pop up when I didn't use it. Have you ever
seen the Word Pad actively invite you to use it? It also started to
request my name if I want to use it. I suspect someone was controlling
my computer remotely. They might covertly collect my material through
spy software downloaded by that specialist or even input some
"confidential material" into my computer without my awareness. My wife
never watches a movie from the Internet until now. What she did three
months ago, was an action instructed by the Feds. They set up a trap
in computer for me. I allege.

To eliminate my suspicion, the computer specialist my wife invited was
S.Y.. He was my neighbor 15 years ago.
That was 1995, when I returned from Shanghai, I found my next door
neighbor changed. Two families shared a four bed-room house. One
family was a couple named Y with a son. The other one was a single mom
with a daughter. My wife also had a new colleague: G-man who had a
girl. (see 643. Foreign agents or foreign support groups?
(8/12/2010) )
The three children were at similar age to my daughter.

My daughter had had three playmates before 1995, they lived cross
street or several buildings away. They were all moved away at that
time. Instead, Feds found three new playmates for my daughter. From
them, I learned that when Feds put one under surveillance, they even
get the child included.(my daughter was 6 then) And how close it was?
Two families were in next door. One worked as my wife's colleague.

C.Y. was a Chef. He never worked long in any restaurant. Sometimes one
week in this one, sometimes a month in that, he changed his employer
all the time. When Mrs. Y said her husband had almost worked for every
restaurant of the Bay Area, I interpreted it as: the Feds had
investigated all restaurants in Bay Area.

S.Y. was a boy then. Last time I saw him, he was still a pupil. Now he
is a young man. It seems the Feds have cultivated him as a computer


In “656. Christmas holiday season plot (12/9/2010)”, kathaksung said,

“The next possible action on me and my family likely will be in coming
Christmas and New Year's day holiday season. Feds used to apply a
search and arrest warrant on holiday because there is family re-union
that day. This time the Feds arranged a 7 night Western Carib -
holiday cruise for my family, dated from Dec. 19 to Dec. 26.”

If the case had broken out, there would be big event to distract
public attention. The big events used to be natural disaster such like
earthquake, pandemic…., or war in Korea, Iran…., or terror attack…. .

The distraction prepared for 2010 Christmas holiday plot was war in
Korea and terror attack in Britain and US.

In Later November, N. Korea shot artillery onto a S. Korea n island.
It said the planned U.S -S. Korean military drills were pushing the
peninsula to the “brink of war”. This was the first military offensive
on civilians since the Korean War ended in 1953. As retaliation, S.
Korea shelled N. Korea.

The situation intensified. N. Korea threatened the South with an
unspecified “catastrophe” if the y dare to carry out the military
exercise with US army. S. Korea’s President declared that the
reunification of Korea was drawing near. Former US national
intelligence director Dennis Blair said that S. Korea was likely to
take action against N. Korea. It seemed a real big war was coming.

As a matter of fact, N. Korea has no ability to afford a war at this
time. It is in a crisis of food shortage. It even has not enough food
to feed its own military. It’s only a performance of a soap opera. The
real handler is US. The order used to be delivered through China. This
time, the game became too big. N. Korea was suspicious. To make sure
it was just another soap opera show, they want to hear the command
from its master personally. Then people saw Gov. Bill Richardson of
New Mexico had a trip to N. Korea.

Bill Richardson, like former Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, is a
representative of the Feds. He visited N. Korea between 12/16 and
12/20. Notice the time that he left N. Korea was 12/20. It was the
starting time of the alleged arranged cruise trip - dated from Dec. 19
to Dec. 26. (see second paragraph of this article) If the Feds
succeeded to frame a drug case when the cruise trip started, then
Richardson would have given N. Korea the order “Go”. A big war in
Korea would have started. But the set up went soured, so Richardson’s
trip became one that “break through the North isolation” and “yielded
important progress”.

There was an unusual soft tone from N. Korean officials at the night
of 12/20.

Quote, “North Korea withholds retaliation after drills

By Sharon LaFraniere and Martin Fackler
New York Times

…..North’s official news agency issued a statement Monday night
(12/20) saying that it was “not worth reacting” to the exercise. …..
“The world should properly know who is the true champion of peace and
who is the real provocateur of a war.””

People could feel the relaxation of N. Korea and thus to know how big
the war could be if the 2010 Christmas plot would have gone through.