2012-04-14 02:04:39 UTC
There's no question about this.
The Republican War on Women is real, and it's extremely dangerous.
If you agree, add your name to our petition: 1,000,000 strong against
the Republican War on Women >>
House Republicans are pursuing the most comprehensive and radical
assault on women's health and reproductive freedom in our lifetime.
Over just the last year, Republicans in Congress have voted repeatedly
to limit women's access to health care and reproductive services.
They voted to redefine rape in order to limit women's access to health
care. They held a panel on denying access to birth control coverage with
five men and no women. They voted to give corporations the power to deny
women access to contraception. And last year, they nearly shut down the
government in an attempt to defund Planned Parenthood.
As you know, Planned Parenthood is a critical provider of preventive
services to millions of women in need of health care, including cancer
screening, breast exams and HIV testing. Mitt Romney has already said,
"Planned Parenthood, we're gonna get rid of that."
On the state level, numerous Republican governors have already forced
through radical anti-women legislation.
We cannot back down in this fight. We must stand strong for women's
health. Will you join us?
Thank you,
Kelly Ward
DCCC Political Director
Paid for by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee | 430 South
Capitol Street SE, Washington, DC 20003
(202) 863-1500 | www.dccc.org | Not authorized by any candidate or
candidate's committee.
The Republican War on Women is real, and it's extremely dangerous.
If you agree, add your name to our petition: 1,000,000 strong against
the Republican War on Women >>
House Republicans are pursuing the most comprehensive and radical
assault on women's health and reproductive freedom in our lifetime.
Over just the last year, Republicans in Congress have voted repeatedly
to limit women's access to health care and reproductive services.
They voted to redefine rape in order to limit women's access to health
care. They held a panel on denying access to birth control coverage with
five men and no women. They voted to give corporations the power to deny
women access to contraception. And last year, they nearly shut down the
government in an attempt to defund Planned Parenthood.
As you know, Planned Parenthood is a critical provider of preventive
services to millions of women in need of health care, including cancer
screening, breast exams and HIV testing. Mitt Romney has already said,
"Planned Parenthood, we're gonna get rid of that."
On the state level, numerous Republican governors have already forced
through radical anti-women legislation.
We cannot back down in this fight. We must stand strong for women's
health. Will you join us?
Thank you,
Kelly Ward
DCCC Political Director
Paid for by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee | 430 South
Capitol Street SE, Washington, DC 20003
(202) 863-1500 | www.dccc.org | Not authorized by any candidate or
candidate's committee.