Obie so mean (to bin Ladin, Mubarak, Gadafy)
(too old to reply)
2011-08-24 05:03:46 UTC
yeah, and wasn't it Reagan who unknowingly funded bin Ladin? You gotta admit, how does Obama go on a VACATION and down falls Gaddafy. It's like Obie is turning into some kind of kick-ass John Wayne, without even trying. Gaddafy fell by his own people, and NATO help, after Obama gave them the merest nudge. Meanwhile, America's troops seem to be either lucky, or just damn good at their job these days. GOD BLESS OUR MILITARY! But didn't Obama warned al Qaeda and those harboring them, unclench your fist, put down your weapons, we are willing to be friends. We WANT to be friends. But he also warned them our war on terror was not by choice, it was FORCED ON US. Usama bin Laden boasted of his masterminding 9/11. And like Obama told them in Cairo, we will DEFEND OURSELVES AGAINST TERRORISM.
Padraigh ProAmerica
2011-08-25 15:07:21 UTC
Your history is faulty- but what else is new?

The CIA funding for the Mujhadeen in Afganistan to opose the Soviet
invaders was pushed through by Rep. Joe WIlson (D-TX). Part of the
authorization was a restricition on the funding. It could only go to
Afghan groups- not the foreign "holy warroiors" who appeared on the

Bin Laden, at this time, was able to draw on his families immense wealth
to finance his own group.

But even the Afghans didn't want anything to do with Bin Ladens group,
as he was a classic coward- he talke a good game but always managed to
avoid any fighting.

The CIA had nothing to do with him.
"Anyone who likes sausage and respects the law should not watch either
being made."-- Otto von Bismarck --