Thought I'd upload for those who haven't seen it.
(too old to reply)
2012-09-08 21:37:52 UTC
Guy confronts George H. W. Bush: "Murderous, Zionist Piece Of Shit"

Man confronts Bush senior on his role in killing hundreds of thousands
of Iraqis.

By: http://www.youtube.com/user/livemusic

Thought I'd upload for those who haven't seen it.

January 6, 2010 - As if a restaurant's shrine to a mass murderer and
featured menu items in the name of the diabolical traitor to America
weren't enough, George Bush Sr. himself arrived when I was eating
lunch with friends. Although I'm aware of many of his countless crimes
against humanity, my mind went blank when it came to speaking out.
It's a wonderful thought for me to imagine these killers being scolded
each and every time they appear in public. /livemusic

"If the American people knew what we had done, they would chase us
down the street and lynch us."
--- GHW Bush

The Bush Crime Family:Three Generations of Treason
There have been terrible crimes and criminals in United States history
- but because the Bush family has passed their misdeeds down through
generations, they are unequivocally the most corrupt. Rarely has there
been a whole family of underhanded criminals where nefariousness was
the rule rather than the exception. It's not as if they have no code
of conduct, the facts prove they lie, cheat and steal as their code of


The Treasonous Elite Have Laid Down the Gauntlet

The corporate elite affirmed their declaration of a new form of
government in the United States. On the Republican Convention floor
it was declared that the United States is no longer a constitutional
Republic of, for, and by the people. Via insurgency, the United
States is now a corporate monarchy wherein the elite have become elite
through the theft of the wealth of the entire people. They have now,
through self proclamation, declared themselves the rulers and we, the
mass majority their bonded servants. Now all that is left is to get
250 million of us heavily armed to bow to their dictate.

If living members of the Bush crime family are not tried for treason,
there is no such thing as justice in this world

Wed Jul 18, 2012 at 11:00 AM PDT

Top 10 Republican Acts of Treason
by TroubadourFollow

Republican hatred for the United States of America is as constant as
the North Star, but usually it occurs as an endless litany of pettier
crimes and disgraces. However, every now and then the circumstances
align such that a Republican in power has a clear, unavoidable choice
between serving their country or brazenly betraying it for the sake of
their Party's criminal agenda, and they will always choose the
latter. They know it is unlikely they will ever be brought to justice
for it, so there is no reason in their morality-devoid, honorless
minds not to betray their country. Sometimes, in moments of rare
candor or commonplace arrogance, Republicans will even openly brag
about their willingness to harm America for their own benefit. I now
present the top ten acts of Republican treason committed so far, as
known to the public. Their complete record is far worse, and what
horrors they've succeeded in fully concealing aren't to be imagined.


Harry Taylor blasts Bush

Former CIA Official Exposes Bush Administration Fraud

Tony Blair Should Be Tried for War Crimes:
He AND George Bush, and Candi Rice as well as Dick Chaney, should be
tried for war crime.

British Op-ed: Mitt Romney's Advisers are War Criminals
Mitt Romney has hired Bush/Cheney Foreign Policy Advisers who
Archbishop Desmond Tutu calls war criminals for their fabricated intel
and illegal invasion of Iraq where over 100,000 Iraqi civilian men,
women and children have been murdered due to U.S. led illegal

Archbishop Desmond Tutu wrote an OpEd in the London Newspaper, the
Guardian's Observer outlining that Bush, Cheney, their Advisers (who
are now Romney's Advisers), Tony Blair and his Advisers lied about
weapons of mass destruction and says their plotted invasion of Iraq
left the world more destabilized and divided than any other conflict
in history

The immorality of the United States and Great Britain's decision to
invade Iraq in 2003, premised on the lie that Iraq possessed weapons
of mass destruction, has destabilised and polarised the world to a
greater extent than any other conflict in history.
~ Archbishop Desmond Tutu; September 2, 2012 "Why I Had No Choice But
To Spurn Tony Blair" The Guardians Observer


No wise man ever thought that a traitor should be trusted.
--- Marcus Tullius Cicero

This principle is old, but true as fate, Kings may love treason, but
the traitor hate.
--- Thomas Dekker
Marvin the Martian
2012-09-08 23:08:49 UTC
Wow. This guy still has a bad case of Bush derangement syndrome.

As a president Bush sucked, but compared to the two latest stooges, he
was a relative lightweight on evil.

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