One Big Awful Mistake America
2012-05-16 07:11:29 UTC
Recent news-making events demonstrate that the rot infesting the
cesspool that is Washington, D.C., can no longer be contained.
The rot is noxious, pervasive, knows no political party and
infests all it touches.
The recent events include the scandalous excesses of the General
Services Administration junkets on which even the bureaucrats
spouses traveled, partied, wined and dined on the taxpayers
dimes and the Secret Services drunken whoring with Colombian
These events contain a common thread: Federal government
employees who understand that in the United States, money does
indeed grow on trees (or at least in Federal Reserve computers).
They view the American taxpayer as a bottomless pit. They have
come to think of themselves as a privileged class and believe
rules of decorum and normal conduct do not apply to them.
This is not a new thing; it has been occurring at the GSA at
least for about 40 years. As lawmakers grilled GSA officials
last week, they learned that GSA employees have repeatedly taken
financial kickbacks, engaged in insider dealing and suffered
from general incompetence. Its a pattern that dates back to the
Its also increasingly apparent that the rot is not confined to
the Federal government. More than 100 workers in the city
government of Washington, D.C., received jobless benefits
totaling at least $800,000 while still working for the city.
Ninety-two workers implicated in the scheme were suspended (61
of those were subsequently fired), and 40 more workers who left
the citys employment before the scandal broke have been
identified. Another 100 workers are being investigated.
Federal bureaucrats and elected elites owe $1 billion in back
taxes for 2010. Some of them are people who set or enforce tax
policy on the rest of us.
Remember that Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner did not pay taxes
for the years 2001-2004 until the issue came up as he was being
vetted for Senate confirmation. Obviously, Senators did not care.
Nor did Congress care that former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-
Calif.) flew home and back on weekends at a cost of $120,000 per
trip. Thats almost four times as much as Defense Secretary Leon
Panetta spends to go home to Carmel Valley nearly every weekend.
They are not the only ones who have done this or are doing it.
At least Panetta says he regrets the cost (not that hes
stopping the practice).
Neither the criminal political class in Congress
(criminalongress?) nor President Barack Obama, the
Redistributionist-In-Chief (RIC), speak of making any meaningful
cuts in government spending. Under Obamas recently introduced
budget, Federal spending would increase by 55 percent from 2012
to 2021, according to the Congressional Budget Office. Under
Congressman Paul Ryans (R-Wis.) budget, Federal spending will
increase 34 percent.
In other words, when members of the political class speak of
cuts what theyre talking about is reducing the amount of year-
to-year increases. They never cut anything.
Yet bearing down on America like a Category 5 hurricane is
taxmagedon. It will make landfall on Dec. 31 unless a lame duck
Congress and President (whether Obama is re-elected or defeated
will not matter) can reach some kind of agreement.
What is taxmagedon? Its a combination of expiring George W.
Bush-era tax cuts and the implementation of new Obamacare taxes.
The marriage penalty for joint filers will return, the child
credit will drop in half and the rate everyone pays on the first
$8,700 of wages jumps from 10 percent to 15 percent. The Social
Security payroll tax will go from 4.2 percent to 6.2 percent.
Obamacare-mandated Medicare taxes will also rise.
There is little comfort to be found in the knowledge that the
criminalongress and RIC will tackle the tax issue in a lame duck
session following the November election. They will be unfettered
by political considerations: Obama because regardless of
Novembers outcome he will never again be seeking election, and
members of criminalongress because elections will be more than
two years away for those who won. They will count on voters
short memories.
Those who lost will be attempting to win favor with the
corporatocracy: those large fascist corporations that snatch up
former lawmakers and pay them exorbitant salaries to lobby their
former peers for special favors, tax breaks and government
Meanwhile, criminalongress will engage in political theater
sleight of hand in an attempt to distract you from their own
corruption. Criminalongress engages in insider trading, earmarks
bills to benefit favored constituencies, takes kickbacks in the
form of campaign contributions from companies it supposedly
oversees and regulates, cedes its authority to faceless and
unelected bureaucrats at dozens of unConstitutional alphabet
soup agencies, and dishonors the oath to support and defend
the Constitution by allowing the Imperial President to wage
unConstitutional war and set spending policy without
Congressional approval.
Obamas Assault On Seniors And Investors
The 2013 budget Obama presented in February contains a proposal
to triple the dividend tax rate.
The current tax rate for dividend payments is 15 percent, which
makes sense because corporations pay a tax on their profits
before the money can be used to pay dividends to shareholders.
Under Obamas proposal, the rate individuals pay on dividends
would increase to 44.8 percent in 2013.
Taxing dividends again at the personal level is double taxation.
According to The Wall Street Journal, almost three of four
dividend payments go to those over the age of 55, and more than
half go to those over age 65.
The U.S. tax rate on corporations is already 35 percent the
highest in the world (although many U.S. multinational
corporations are able to avoid paying any U.S. taxes). The 35
percent corporate rate combined with the 44.8 percent dividend
tax would bring the effective tax rate on corporate earnings to
64.1 percent.
Already, seniors are seeing their savings and investments eroded
by the inflationary policies of the Fed. There are more than 100
million shareholders in the United States because 51 percent of
adults own stock either directly or through mutual funds, and
tens of millions more own stock through their pension programs.
Obamas assault on seniors and investors could well be a death
blow to the already staggering middle class.
Dont be deceived by the coming rhetoric during the campaign or
in the ensuing discussions over tax policy. The Federal debt is
an illusion. There can be no debt when money can be printed to
Income taxes do not pay for government. Tax policy is simply a
means of redistributing wealth from the people to the privileged
financial elites. Income taxes are a means of gathering dossiers
on American citizens.
The debt will never be paid. The American government is on the
road to default. The elites, the banksters, the RIC and
criminalongress will not suffer when it does. But we will.
cesspool that is Washington, D.C., can no longer be contained.
The rot is noxious, pervasive, knows no political party and
infests all it touches.
The recent events include the scandalous excesses of the General
Services Administration junkets on which even the bureaucrats
spouses traveled, partied, wined and dined on the taxpayers
dimes and the Secret Services drunken whoring with Colombian
These events contain a common thread: Federal government
employees who understand that in the United States, money does
indeed grow on trees (or at least in Federal Reserve computers).
They view the American taxpayer as a bottomless pit. They have
come to think of themselves as a privileged class and believe
rules of decorum and normal conduct do not apply to them.
This is not a new thing; it has been occurring at the GSA at
least for about 40 years. As lawmakers grilled GSA officials
last week, they learned that GSA employees have repeatedly taken
financial kickbacks, engaged in insider dealing and suffered
from general incompetence. Its a pattern that dates back to the
Its also increasingly apparent that the rot is not confined to
the Federal government. More than 100 workers in the city
government of Washington, D.C., received jobless benefits
totaling at least $800,000 while still working for the city.
Ninety-two workers implicated in the scheme were suspended (61
of those were subsequently fired), and 40 more workers who left
the citys employment before the scandal broke have been
identified. Another 100 workers are being investigated.
Federal bureaucrats and elected elites owe $1 billion in back
taxes for 2010. Some of them are people who set or enforce tax
policy on the rest of us.
Remember that Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner did not pay taxes
for the years 2001-2004 until the issue came up as he was being
vetted for Senate confirmation. Obviously, Senators did not care.
Nor did Congress care that former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-
Calif.) flew home and back on weekends at a cost of $120,000 per
trip. Thats almost four times as much as Defense Secretary Leon
Panetta spends to go home to Carmel Valley nearly every weekend.
They are not the only ones who have done this or are doing it.
At least Panetta says he regrets the cost (not that hes
stopping the practice).
Neither the criminal political class in Congress
(criminalongress?) nor President Barack Obama, the
Redistributionist-In-Chief (RIC), speak of making any meaningful
cuts in government spending. Under Obamas recently introduced
budget, Federal spending would increase by 55 percent from 2012
to 2021, according to the Congressional Budget Office. Under
Congressman Paul Ryans (R-Wis.) budget, Federal spending will
increase 34 percent.
In other words, when members of the political class speak of
cuts what theyre talking about is reducing the amount of year-
to-year increases. They never cut anything.
Yet bearing down on America like a Category 5 hurricane is
taxmagedon. It will make landfall on Dec. 31 unless a lame duck
Congress and President (whether Obama is re-elected or defeated
will not matter) can reach some kind of agreement.
What is taxmagedon? Its a combination of expiring George W.
Bush-era tax cuts and the implementation of new Obamacare taxes.
The marriage penalty for joint filers will return, the child
credit will drop in half and the rate everyone pays on the first
$8,700 of wages jumps from 10 percent to 15 percent. The Social
Security payroll tax will go from 4.2 percent to 6.2 percent.
Obamacare-mandated Medicare taxes will also rise.
There is little comfort to be found in the knowledge that the
criminalongress and RIC will tackle the tax issue in a lame duck
session following the November election. They will be unfettered
by political considerations: Obama because regardless of
Novembers outcome he will never again be seeking election, and
members of criminalongress because elections will be more than
two years away for those who won. They will count on voters
short memories.
Those who lost will be attempting to win favor with the
corporatocracy: those large fascist corporations that snatch up
former lawmakers and pay them exorbitant salaries to lobby their
former peers for special favors, tax breaks and government
Meanwhile, criminalongress will engage in political theater
sleight of hand in an attempt to distract you from their own
corruption. Criminalongress engages in insider trading, earmarks
bills to benefit favored constituencies, takes kickbacks in the
form of campaign contributions from companies it supposedly
oversees and regulates, cedes its authority to faceless and
unelected bureaucrats at dozens of unConstitutional alphabet
soup agencies, and dishonors the oath to support and defend
the Constitution by allowing the Imperial President to wage
unConstitutional war and set spending policy without
Congressional approval.
Obamas Assault On Seniors And Investors
The 2013 budget Obama presented in February contains a proposal
to triple the dividend tax rate.
The current tax rate for dividend payments is 15 percent, which
makes sense because corporations pay a tax on their profits
before the money can be used to pay dividends to shareholders.
Under Obamas proposal, the rate individuals pay on dividends
would increase to 44.8 percent in 2013.
Taxing dividends again at the personal level is double taxation.
According to The Wall Street Journal, almost three of four
dividend payments go to those over the age of 55, and more than
half go to those over age 65.
The U.S. tax rate on corporations is already 35 percent the
highest in the world (although many U.S. multinational
corporations are able to avoid paying any U.S. taxes). The 35
percent corporate rate combined with the 44.8 percent dividend
tax would bring the effective tax rate on corporate earnings to
64.1 percent.
Already, seniors are seeing their savings and investments eroded
by the inflationary policies of the Fed. There are more than 100
million shareholders in the United States because 51 percent of
adults own stock either directly or through mutual funds, and
tens of millions more own stock through their pension programs.
Obamas assault on seniors and investors could well be a death
blow to the already staggering middle class.
Dont be deceived by the coming rhetoric during the campaign or
in the ensuing discussions over tax policy. The Federal debt is
an illusion. There can be no debt when money can be printed to
Income taxes do not pay for government. Tax policy is simply a
means of redistributing wealth from the people to the privileged
financial elites. Income taxes are a means of gathering dossiers
on American citizens.
The debt will never be paid. The American government is on the
road to default. The elites, the banksters, the RIC and
criminalongress will not suffer when it does. But we will.