Sp Qr
2011-04-19 11:37:05 UTC
HEADLINE: Charles Krauthammer says that Palin and Bachmann have no
chance in 2012
OVERVIEW: Charles Krauthammer says that Sarah Palin and Michele
Bachmann have absolutely no chance to defeat Obama in 2012 or even be
nominated as the GOP candidate.
LINK: http://www.examiner.com/american-politics-in-vancouver/charles-krauthammer-says-that-palin-and-bachmann-have-no-chance-2012
chance in 2012
OVERVIEW: Charles Krauthammer says that Sarah Palin and Michele
Bachmann have absolutely no chance to defeat Obama in 2012 or even be
nominated as the GOP candidate.
LINK: http://www.examiner.com/american-politics-in-vancouver/charles-krauthammer-says-that-palin-and-bachmann-have-no-chance-2012