Question for the conservatives
(too old to reply)
2015-03-29 20:15:56 UTC
Around here when the KC Star (the Red Star) post opinion columns, they
sometimes will post a conservative
e.g (Krauthammer, Goldberg) opposite a liberal (Friedman,Krugman).....
Sometimes they post Kathleen Parker
in the conservative section.... Does anyone else (who is conservative
minded) think she is in our camp?
BeeSting Alergy
2015-03-29 21:09:05 UTC
Post by DoD
Around here when the KC Star (the Red Star) post opinion columns,
they sometimes will post a conservative e.g (Krauthammer, Goldberg)
opposite a liberal (Friedman,Krugman)..... Sometimes they post
Kathleen Parker in the conservative section.... Does anyone else (who
is conservative minded) think she is in our camp?
Nope... she's (at best) middle-of-the-road.

She showed her true colors when she teamed up with that prostitute
Governor from NY on a failed-from-the-get-go CNN disaster called,
"Parker Spitzer".

She was supposed to be the Conservative voice, she was nothing but a
shill for soft-belly, chicken-hearted RINOs.

I guess she still writes her column in WashPost... I don't read her
crap anymore.

Just so you know.
First Post
2015-03-29 23:20:53 UTC
Post by DoD
Around here when the KC Star (the Red Star) post opinion columns, they
sometimes will post a conservative
e.g (Krauthammer, Goldberg) opposite a liberal (Friedman,Krugman).....
Sometimes they post Kathleen Parker
in the conservative section.... Does anyone else (who is conservative
minded) think she is in our camp?
She doesn't appear to be very big on Hillary but otherwise she's a
liberal. Although she does take an occassional democrat to task she
REALLY doesn't like Republicans.
2015-03-29 23:45:54 UTC
Post by First Post
She doesn't appear to be very big on Hillary but otherwise she's a
liberal. Although she does take an occassional democrat to task she
REALLY doesn't like Republicans.
Which kind of brings me to another question.... Does the New York Slimes
any conservatives writing for them?
Mr. B1ack
2015-03-30 14:33:43 UTC
Post by DoD
Around here when the KC Star (the Red Star) post opinion columns, they
sometimes will post a conservative
e.g (Krauthammer, Goldberg) opposite a liberal (Friedman,Krugman).....
Sometimes they post Kathleen Parker
in the conservative section.... Does anyone else (who is conservative
minded) think she is in our camp?
Depends on how rigidly you wanna define "conservative".
Kind of a nebulous thing IMHO ... a constellation or likes,
dislikes, beliefs and ideological snippets that - collectively -
hovers to the right of a largely-imaginary line. You'd find
I have a lot of extremely libertine/libertarian ideas and
perspectives ... but I'm no (modern) "liberal" nor am I
a big-'L' Libertarian.
2015-03-31 01:10:12 UTC
Post by Mr. B1ack
Post by DoD
Around here when the KC Star (the Red Star) post opinion columns, they
sometimes will post a conservative
e.g (Krauthammer, Goldberg) opposite a liberal (Friedman,Krugman).....
Sometimes they post Kathleen Parker
in the conservative section.... Does anyone else (who is conservative
minded) think she is in our camp?
Depends on how rigidly you wanna define "conservative".
Kind of a nebulous thing IMHO ... a constellation or likes,
dislikes, beliefs and ideological snippets that - collectively -
hovers to the right of a largely-imaginary line. You'd find
I have a lot of extremely libertine/libertarian ideas and
perspectives ... but I'm no (modern) "liberal" nor am I
a big-'L' Libertarian.
I define it semi loosely... General respect for life.... Limited
Guns.... etc etc...
Mr. B1ack
2015-03-31 20:28:36 UTC
Post by DoD
Post by Mr. B1ack
Post by DoD
Around here when the KC Star (the Red Star) post opinion columns, they
sometimes will post a conservative
e.g (Krauthammer, Goldberg) opposite a liberal (Friedman,Krugman).....
Sometimes they post Kathleen Parker
in the conservative section.... Does anyone else (who is conservative
minded) think she is in our camp?
Depends on how rigidly you wanna define "conservative".
Kind of a nebulous thing IMHO ... a constellation or likes,
dislikes, beliefs and ideological snippets that - collectively -
hovers to the right of a largely-imaginary line. You'd find
I have a lot of extremely libertine/libertarian ideas and
perspectives ... but I'm no (modern) "liberal" nor am I
a big-'L' Libertarian.
I define it semi loosely... General respect for life.... Limited
Guns.... etc etc...
Remember "Power to the People" ? That's my
loose guide. The State must not be all-powerful
and needs to know what to keep its big nose
out of. These bounds used to be "understood",
but then people got lazy and stopped paying
attention .... apathy will screw a country every
damned time ...........

Political power is a weapon of mass destruction
and you don't go shoveling it out to ex-lawyers
and frat boys without a lot of oversight and
controls being involved. Very few have "our"
best interests foremost in their minds.
2015-03-31 22:40:26 UTC
Post by Mr. B1ack
Post by DoD
Post by Mr. B1ack
Post by DoD
Around here when the KC Star (the Red Star) post opinion columns, they
sometimes will post a conservative
e.g (Krauthammer, Goldberg) opposite a liberal (Friedman,Krugman).....
Sometimes they post Kathleen Parker
in the conservative section.... Does anyone else (who is conservative
minded) think she is in our camp?
Depends on how rigidly you wanna define "conservative".
Kind of a nebulous thing IMHO ... a constellation or likes,
dislikes, beliefs and ideological snippets that - collectively -
hovers to the right of a largely-imaginary line. You'd find
I have a lot of extremely libertine/libertarian ideas and
perspectives ... but I'm no (modern) "liberal" nor am I
a big-'L' Libertarian.
I define it semi loosely... General respect for life.... Limited
Guns.... etc etc...
Remember "Power to the People" ? That's my
loose guide. The State must not be all-powerful
and needs to know what to keep its big nose
out of. These bounds used to be "understood",
but then people got lazy and stopped paying
attention .... apathy will screw a country every
damned time ...........
I like many people thought that Jefferson said...

"A government big enough to give you everything you want, is a government
big enough to take away everything that you have."

Monticello.org says it is not found in any of his writings, but one lady
commented it is really attributed to Samuel Gompers!!!
Post by Mr. B1ack
Political power is a weapon of mass destruction
Without a shred of doubt....
Post by Mr. B1ack
and you don't go shoveling it out to ex-lawyers
and frat boys without a lot of oversight and
controls being involved. Very few have "our"
best interests foremost in their minds.
Only if it coincides with their best interests...
2015-03-31 22:35:36 UTC
Dr. Barry Worthington
Snip nonsense... I don't know who Barry Worthington is.... Google only turns
up a filmmaker or a guy who works for the energy department... What I do
know is in general, Liberals take liberties with the Constitution, and
Conservatives are concerned with
conserving it.... Fuck all that other garbage...
2015-04-04 00:00:36 UTC
Post by DoD
Dr. Barry Worthington
Snip nonsense... I don't know who Barry Worthington is.... Google
up a filmmaker or a guy who works for the energy department...
It might help if you use the bloody thing properly! I can find
in a
Google Search, and my academic publications are listed on Google
Judging by the garbage that you have written to me so far, I doubt you
find yourself in the mirror...
Post by DoD
What I do
know is in general, Liberals take liberties with the Constitution, and
Conservatives are concerned with
conserving it.... Fuck all that other garbage...
Yes you are a political illiterate, uneducated, and.......
You probably sit around in cat piss and newspapers, playing old 45
and yearning of the days before glasnost...
probably with an enormous fat arse. (That last stereotype is probably
untrue, but I rather like it!)
I am sure you like the idea of an oversized, dimpled, swarthy man
for the rest of us, that is TMI....
God.....you are really boring....and very, very banal.........
Semi - redundant, no??
No, they are two different things. Hannah Arendt coined the phrase 'the
banality of evil'. You could start your investigation with that.
How about I start with the dictionary......

boring: dull and uninteresting
banal: boring or ordinary
So one dimensional that you could do duty as an advertisement
Wouldn't that be two dimensional, doc?
No. Two dimensionality, involving perspective, can be found in some
paintings and all films and videos. But there is no corporeal existence.
Advertising on billboards is one dimensional.
You must live in a backwater.
You could, I suppose refer to Marcuse, if you are inclined that way.
Why would I want to refer to a commie kraut that inspired people the likes
of the murderous crni, Angela Davis?
But why am I bothering to enlighten you?
Enlighten me? You sort of entertain me, but that is about it.
Pearls before swine, methinks...
Great depth there, doc !!!
2015-04-04 07:15:48 UTC
Post by DoD
Post by DoD
Dr. Barry Worthington
Snip nonsense... I don't know who Barry Worthington is.... Google
up a filmmaker or a guy who works for the energy department...
It might help if you use the bloody thing properly! I can find
in a
Google Search, and my academic publications are listed on Google
Judging by the garbage that you have written to me so far, I doubt you
find yourself in the mirror...
Post by DoD
What I do
know is in general, Liberals take liberties with the
Conservatives are concerned with
conserving it.... Fuck all that other garbage...
Yes you are a political illiterate, uneducated, and.......
You probably sit around in cat piss and newspapers, playing old 45
and yearning of the days before glasnost...
probably with an enormous fat arse. (That last stereotype is probably
untrue, but I rather like it!)
I am sure you like the idea of an oversized, dimpled, swarthy man
for the rest of us, that is TMI....
God.....you are really boring....and very, very banal.........
Semi - redundant, no??
No, they are two different things. Hannah Arendt coined the phrase 'the
banality of evil'. You could start your investigation with that.
How about I start with the dictionary......
boring: dull and uninteresting
banal: boring or ordinary
Use a better dictionary. The Oxford one is best.
Perhaps if you have shitty teeth... Or as Boring and or Banal as you are....
boring: tedious · dull · monotonous · repetitious · repetitive ·
banal:·so lacking in originality as to be obvious and boring
The subtlety of the difference is obviously lost on you....
Looks to me like a load of shit... But to each their own... I would have
found a different adj the second
time so I wouldn't have seemed so... uh... what is the word... oh yeah..
BANAL.. thanks doc!!!!
Post by DoD
So one dimensional that you could do duty as an advertisement
Wouldn't that be two dimensional, doc?
No. Two dimensionality, involving perspective, can be found in some
paintings and all films and videos. But there is no corporeal existence.
Advertising on billboards is one dimensional.
You must live in a backwater.
That makes no sense whatsoever...
It would if you seen our billboards, but again, you must live in a
Post by DoD
You could, I suppose refer to Marcuse, if you are inclined that way.
Why would I want to refer to a commie kraut that inspired people the likes
of the murderous crni, Angela Davis?
That was a flippant remark, you humourless tosser!
How the fuck am I supposed to know what you are wanting for me
to take seriously and "flippant" when you are a total twit?
Post by DoD
But why am I bothering to enlighten you?
Enlighten me? You sort of entertain me, but that is about it.
No. I'm a retired academic, condescending to bother with an ignorant
Academia.... hmmm.. From what AlleyCat was insinuating, and your language,
might be one of those B'ritish guys eh?? If so, are you one of those
academics that
insured the B'ritish were at the forefront of the space race, or were you
one of the
academics that told those 1400 girls that it was ok to be raped by Pakis?
Post by DoD
Pearls before swine, methinks...
Great depth there, doc !!!
If it was good enough as a scriptural injunction.....
As a B'rit, I figured you would be more adept in the Koran by now...
Now, as we used to say in the grove of academe..."sod off". (Though
Paracelsus had a better routine in these matters.)
As just myself and not pretentious , I would say... jedi govna....
Governor Swill
2015-06-03 20:47:06 UTC
Post by DoD
Snip nonsense... I don't know who Barry Worthington is.... Google only turns
up a filmmaker or a guy who works for the energy department... What I do
know is in general, Liberals take liberties with the Constitution, and
Conservatives are concerned with
conserving it.... Fuck all that other garbage...
That depends on whether your a business or an individual. The GOP is
happy to restrict the liberties of the individual - to dictate how you
must live your life right down to the foods you eat - but the
Democrats would restrict the liberties of businesses to operate as
they would like. No more screwing consumers over with unsafe products
or marking items "Made in USA" when in fact, they were not.

Thus the differences between the parties are made clean. The
Republicans want to screw YOU over, the Democrats want to screw with
your JOB.

To leftists, centrists look like conservative Republicans.
To rightists, centrists look like liberal Democrats.
Actually, they're somewhere in between - that's why they're called "centrists".
2015-06-03 20:49:50 UTC
Post by Governor Swill
Thus the differences between the parties are made clean.
STFU SWill, you miserable attempt at a human being.
Orbiting The SolarSphere
2015-06-04 00:41:27 UTC
Post by AC//DC
miserable attempt at a human being.
Typical spammyshitbrain response from a gutless coward WHO NEVER SERVED!

You're a weak little feckless cowardly bastard, spammy no-life.
You're still embarrassed at being outed, you yammering VERMIN!

Gonna man up some day, you disgusting cowardly traitor?

Do you ever have anything of interest, or substance, to say?

You are a dickless little bitch who feels like it is his civic duty as
a Usenet troll to place his nose firmly in the sphincters of those he
dislikes every time they post. They all own you, spammy, you useless
piece of SHIT!

'Shit happens'
---Traitorous Spammy's reply to the fact that 34 Americans
died and 170 were injured when Israel attacked the USS
Spammy is a gutless coward who has never served his country in
2015-06-04 21:53:11 UTC
Post by Governor Swill
Post by DoD
Snip nonsense... I don't know who Barry Worthington is.... Google only turns
up a filmmaker or a guy who works for the energy department... What I do
know is in general, Liberals take liberties with the Constitution, and
Conservatives are concerned with
conserving it.... Fuck all that other garbage...
That depends on whether your a business or an individual. The GOP is
happy to restrict the liberties of the individual -
Which GOP? The one I used to like or the crap we have now. Probably be
easier to
use the word conservative...
Post by Governor Swill
to dictate how you
must live your life right down to the foods you eat
If you are talking about conservatives, that is not true.
Post by Governor Swill
- but the
Democrats would restrict the liberties of businesses to operate as
they would like. No more screwing consumers over with unsafe products
or marking items "Made in USA" when in fact, they were not.
I don't know where you are from, but in the U.S. it doesn't work at all like
you are
Post by Governor Swill
Thus the differences between the parties are made clean. The
Republicans want to screw YOU over, the Democrats want to screw with
your JOB.
I have no idea of what you are saying.
Governor Swill
2015-06-04 23:50:02 UTC
Post by DoD
Post by Governor Swill
That depends on whether your a business or an individual. The GOP is
happy to restrict the liberties of the individual -
Which GOP? The one I used to like or the crap we have now. Probably be
easier to use the word conservative...
Being a Nixon voter, I have to admit to a tremendous amount of
disappointment with the party. They seem to have lost all sense of
proper governing in the search for a coalition that will produce votes
and therefore keep them employed.

Far more conservative than they ever were in my lifetime, they seem
sometimes determined to roll society back a century at least and
institute religious law as the law of the land.
Post by DoD
Post by Governor Swill
to dictate how you
must live your life right down to the foods you eat
If you are talking about conservatives, that is not true.
Certainly it is. Republicans are fighting tooth and nail to prevent
labeling on food that would inform the public thus taking away our
choices. Trying to ban abortion, restrict even the use of birth
control and failing to support same sex marriages all point to a
determination to reinstitute the conformist fifties where Americans
lived in ignorant bliss about what their government was really doing
in their name.
Post by DoD
Post by Governor Swill
- but the
Democrats would restrict the liberties of businesses to operate as
they would like. No more screwing consumers over with unsafe products
or marking items "Made in USA" when in fact, they were not.
I don't know where you are from, but in the U.S. it doesn't work at all like
you are saying.
You, clearly, are not from these parts or you wouldn't be arguing the
point. The FDA was created to oversee purity and safety in the food
and medicine supply. "Caveat emptor" was the cry of the day and if
you were poisoned by a contaminated drug prescribed by an unlicensed
"doctor", oh well, too bad. You should have done your research. Black
pepper adulterated with graphite shavings, ruined flour sold after the
worms had been sifted out, the list went on and on.

Now the FDA is in the pockets of Big Pharma and the likes of Monsanto
and the clock has been turned back a century.

Tens of millions of cars have killer airbags because the NHTSA and
other relevant govt agencies lacked the support and funding to ensure
those products were safe.

Hardly a week goes by that some product or company hasn't placed the
dollar above the public safety and got away with it because we were
too busy building and scrapping F 22 Raptors we didn't even need to
pay for food manufacturer inspections. Remember the peanut butter
fiasco a few years back?
Post by DoD
Post by Governor Swill
Thus the differences between the parties are made clean. The
Republicans want to screw YOU over, the Democrats want to screw with
your JOB.
I have no idea of what you are saying.
Not surprised. Perhaps you expected this to end up as a diatribe
against Republicans or conservatives in general but the fact of the
matter is that the extreme ends of both parties only THINK they're
saving America when in fact, their agendas would destroy it.

The Dems would destroy the economy by over regulation (the late 1970s
economy) while the Reps would destroy it by under regulation (the
Great Recession of 2008).

The Dems would destroy society by removing all restrictions on
personal behavior while the Reps would destroy it by legislating
conformist lifestyles that pleased their extremists.

To leftists, centrists look like conservative Republicans.
To rightists, centrists look like liberal Democrats.
Actually, they're somewhere in between - that's why they're called "centrists".
2015-06-05 05:03:04 UTC
Post by Governor Swill
Post by DoD
Post by Governor Swill
That depends on whether your a business or an individual. The GOP is
happy to restrict the liberties of the individual -
Which GOP? The one I used to like or the crap we have now. Probably be
easier to use the word conservative...
Being a Nixon voter, I have to admit to a tremendous amount of
disappointment with the party. They seem to have lost all sense of
proper governing in the search for a coalition that will produce votes
and therefore keep them employed.
I agree.
Post by Governor Swill
Far more conservative than they ever were in my lifetime, they seem
sometimes determined to roll society back a century at least and
institute religious law as the law of the land.
I disagree.... I was born in the seventies and grew in the eighties... I see
Post by Governor Swill
Post by DoD
Post by Governor Swill
to dictate how you
must live your life right down to the foods you eat
If you are talking about conservatives, that is not true.
Certainly it is. Republicans are fighting tooth and nail to prevent
labeling on food that would inform the public thus taking away our
That is weird... I am not familiar with that "platform"
Post by Governor Swill
Trying to ban abortion,
Never heard of that either... other than a few fringe.
Post by Governor Swill
restrict even the use of birth
That is a construct of the liberal media... WRT public... private churches
are another matter.
Post by Governor Swill
and failing to support same sex marriages all point to a
determination to reinstitute the conformist fifties where Americans
lived in ignorant bliss about what their government was really doing
in their name.
I think most conservatives don't mind same sex marriages...
Post by Governor Swill
Post by DoD
Post by Governor Swill
- but the
Democrats would restrict the liberties of businesses to operate as
they would like. No more screwing consumers over with unsafe products
or marking items "Made in USA" when in fact, they were not.
I don't know where you are from, but in the U.S. it doesn't work at all like
you are saying.
You, clearly, are not from these parts or you wouldn't be arguing the
point. The FDA was created to oversee purity and safety in the food
and medicine supply. "Caveat emptor" was the cry of the day and if
you were poisoned by a contaminated drug prescribed by an unlicensed
"doctor", oh well, too bad. You should have done your research. Black
pepper adulterated with graphite shavings, ruined flour sold after the
worms had been sifted out, the list went on and on.
Post by Governor Swill
Now the FDA is in the pockets of Big Pharma and the likes of Monsanto
and the clock has been turned back a century.
????? Big Pharma does nothing but waste money on "cheerleader drug reps"
and goofy staple-tape dispenser combos with their name plastered on it.
Post by Governor Swill
Tens of millions of cars have killer airbags because the NHTSA and
other relevant govt agencies lacked the support and funding to ensure
those products were safe.
You need some John Stossel in your life... or maybe a Thomas Sowell book or
Post by Governor Swill
Hardly a week goes by that some product or company hasn't placed the
dollar above the public safety and got away with it because we were
too busy building and scrapping F 22 Raptors we didn't even need to
pay for food manufacturer inspections. Remember the peanut butter
fiasco a few years back?
You are a strange cat.... Are you a fan of Ralph Nadar or something?
Post by Governor Swill
Post by DoD
Post by Governor Swill
Thus the differences between the parties are made clean. The
Republicans want to screw YOU over, the Democrats want to screw with
your JOB.
I have no idea of what you are saying.
Not surprised. Perhaps you expected this to end up as a diatribe
against Republicans or conservatives in general but the fact of the
matter is that the extreme ends of both parties only THINK they're
saving America when in fact, their agendas would destroy it.
Post by Governor Swill
The Dems would destroy the economy by over regulation (the late 1970s
economy) while the Reps would destroy it by under regulation (the
Great Recession of 2008).
I don't think Republicans caused the recession of 2008... The Dems turned it
into the GREAT recession we are still in now.
Post by Governor Swill
The Dems would destroy society by removing all restrictions on
personal behavior while the Reps would destroy it by legislating
conformist lifestyles that pleased their extremists.
You are a crazy cat, dude....
Governor Swill
2015-06-09 03:45:58 UTC
Post by DoD
Post by Governor Swill
Post by DoD
Post by Governor Swill
That depends on whether your a business or an individual. The GOP is
happy to restrict the liberties of the individual -
Which GOP? The one I used to like or the crap we have now. Probably be
easier to use the word conservative...
Being a Nixon voter, I have to admit to a tremendous amount of
disappointment with the party. They seem to have lost all sense of
proper governing in the search for a coalition that will produce votes
and therefore keep them employed.
I agree.
Post by Governor Swill
Far more conservative than they ever were in my lifetime, they seem
sometimes determined to roll society back a century at least and
institute religious law as the law of the land.
I disagree.... I was born in the seventies and grew in the eighties...
I see it differently....
Ah! I entered first grade in 1959.
Post by DoD
Post by Governor Swill
Post by DoD
Post by Governor Swill
to dictate how you
must live your life right down to the foods you eat
If you are talking about conservatives, that is not true.
Stipulated, but conservatives are tightly allied with social
conservatives, aka "Protestant Fundamentalists". What they do sticks
to you. Works the same way on the left.
Post by DoD
Post by Governor Swill
Certainly it is. Republicans are fighting tooth and nail to prevent
labeling on food that would inform the public thus taking away our
That is weird... I am not familiar with that "platform"
Post by Governor Swill
Trying to ban abortion,
Never heard of that either... other than a few fringe.
Some years ago, Texas had several dozen abortion clinics. One doctor
with a reputation for doing extremely late term procedures was
assassinated *at his church* by a terrorists bomb.

The last I checked, Texas had only 3 open.
Massachusetts banned demonstrations right in front of abortion clinics
but was reversed by the courts.
Post by DoD
Post by Governor Swill
restrict even the use of birth
That is a construct of the liberal media... WRT public... private churches
are another matter.
No, it is not. I'm old enough to remember when birth control was
broadly illegal. In Illinois at least as late as 1967 I remember
condom machines with the disclaimer: "Sold for disease prevention
only" because you couldn't sell birth control devices but you could
sell disease prevention. Thus, "prophylactic" as we called them back
then. Virtually every men's room had one. Gas stations used to be
the perfect spot for a quick leak, a pack of condoms and a beer on the
way to pick up a date!"
Post by DoD
Post by Governor Swill
and failing to support same sex marriages all point to a
determination to reinstitute the conformist fifties where Americans
lived in ignorant bliss about what their government was really doing
in their name.
I think most conservatives don't mind same sex marriages...
There are a lot of polls to read but it's important to remember there
are secular conservatives such as yourself and social conservatives,
the faithful.
Post by DoD
Post by Governor Swill
Post by DoD
Post by Governor Swill
- but the
Democrats would restrict the liberties of businesses to operate as
they would like. No more screwing consumers over with unsafe products
or marking items "Made in USA" when in fact, they were not.
I don't know where you are from, but in the U.S. it doesn't work at all like
you are saying.
You, clearly, are not from these parts or you wouldn't be arguing the
point. The FDA was created to oversee purity and safety in the food
and medicine supply. "Caveat emptor" was the cry of the day and if
you were poisoned by a contaminated drug prescribed by an unlicensed
"doctor", oh well, too bad. You should have done your research. Black
pepper adulterated with graphite shavings, ruined flour sold after the
worms had been sifted out, the list went on and on.
See. Wherever you're from, check up on the Roosevelt brothers at the
White House. Start with Teddy.
Post by DoD
Post by Governor Swill
Now the FDA is in the pockets of Big Pharma and the likes of Monsanto
and the clock has been turned back a century.
????? Big Pharma does nothing but waste money on "cheerleader drug reps"
and goofy staple-tape dispenser combos with their name plastered on it.
And make lots of profits. It's just business. Any business would be
happy to take a 1% write off for *cough* campaign contributions to
keep the wheels greased, then so be it.
Post by DoD
Post by Governor Swill
Tens of millions of cars have killer airbags because the NHTSA and
other relevant govt agencies lacked the support and funding to ensure
those products were safe.
You need some John Stossel in your life... or maybe a Thomas Sowell book or
Post by Governor Swill
Hardly a week goes by that some product or company hasn't placed the
dollar above the public safety and got away with it because we were
too busy building and scrapping F 22 Raptors we didn't even need to
pay for food manufacturer inspections. Remember the peanut butter
fiasco a few years back?
You are a strange cat.... Are you a fan of Ralph Nadar or something?
Post by Governor Swill
Post by DoD
Post by Governor Swill
Thus the differences between the parties are made clean. The
Republicans want to screw YOU over, the Democrats want to screw with
your JOB.
I have no idea of what you are saying.
Not surprised. Perhaps you expected this to end up as a diatribe
against Republicans or conservatives in general but the fact of the
matter is that the extreme ends of both parties only THINK they're
saving America when in fact, their agendas would destroy it.
Post by Governor Swill
The Dems would destroy the economy by over regulation (the late 1970s
economy) while the Reps would destroy it by under regulation (the
Great Recession of 2008).
I don't think Republicans caused the recession of 2008... The Dems turned it
into the GREAT recession we are still in now.
Post by Governor Swill
The Dems would destroy society by removing all restrictions on
personal behavior while the Reps would destroy it by legislating
conformist lifestyles that pleased their extremists.
You are a crazy cat, dude....
To leftists, centrists look like conservative Republicans.
To rightists, centrists look like liberal Democrats.
Actually, they're somewhere in between - that's why they're called "centrists".