2011-07-13 08:44:06 UTC
Tell the GOP No Social Security or Medicare Cuts
At this moment, Speaker Boehner is crafting a deficit deal that would
gut Medicare and Social Security, while slashing benefits for seniors
and the middle class in order to make sure he protects tax breaks for
millionaires. Sign our petition right now and join House Democrats in
declaring that Social Security and Medicare cuts are off the table.
Take Action | Tell the GOP No Social Security or Medicare Cuts
FACT CHECK: Kevin McCarthy Falsely Claims the Republican Plan Would Save
Social Security
Today on CNN's State of the Union, Republican Whip Kevin McCarthy
claimed House Republicans have a plan to "save" Social Security. When
asked whether Republicans would look to reform Social Security, McCarthy
said: "We're not passing it up. We put it in our budget."
In reality, after Republicans tried to privatize Social Security as of
their budget, House Republican leaders--NRCC Chairman Pete Sessions
(TX-32) and Republican Conference Chairman Jeb Hensarling, introduced a
plan that would end Social Security as we know it--a risky privatization
scheme that would gamble seniors' retirement on Wall Street.
House Republicans Propose Social Security Privatization. On June 3,
2011, Pete Sessions introduced the Savings Account for Every American
Act of 2011, a bill to partly privatize Social Security and let workers
opt out of the program. As of July 10, 2011, the legislation only had
Republican co-sponsors. [H.R. 2109, 6/3/11; Dallas Morning News,
Dallas Morning News: Dow's fall shows peril of changing Social Security.
"The stock market fell again Friday, marking a six-week slump. That's
bad news for investors" and bad timing for Dallas Rep. Pete Sessions and
others who want to transform Social Security by creating investment
accounts for workers. Sessions, who runs the Republican congressional
campaign effort, has been pushing as long as he's been in the House to
partly privatize Social Security. Indeed, after President George W.
Bush's failed push for a similar plan early in his second term, most
Republicans backed away from the idea."=9D [Dallas Morning News,
Republican Plan Would 'Destroy' Medicare and Social Security. The
National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare discussing
the Ryan/Republican plan wrote, "In short, it is a budget plan which
decimates Social Security and Medicare in the name of deficit
reduction."=A0 The only thing new about this strategy, is the fact that
Rep. Ryan isn't shy about acknowledging that he believes seniors should
foot the bill for our current economic nightmare "Destroying Social
Security and Medicare, under the guise of deficit reduction, isn't about
creating sound economic policy it's just more of the same old
privatization politics, rewrapped, repackaged and rejected by the
American people just two years ago."=9D [NCPSSM, 2/3/10]
Washington Post's Ezra Klein: Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security are
Privatized. According to the Washington Post's Ezra Klein, "To move us
to surpluses, Ryan's budget proposes reforms that are nothing short of
violent. Medicare is privatized. Seniors get a voucher to buy private
insurance, and the voucher's growth is far slower than the expected
growth of health-care costs. Medicaid is also privatized. The employer
tax exclusion is fully eliminated, replaced by a tax credit that grows
more slowly than medical costs. And beyond health care, Social Security
gets guaranteed, private accounts that CBO says will actually cost more
than the present arrangement, further underscoring how ancillary the
program is to our budget problem." [Washington Post, 2/1/10]
Center for American Progress: Privatizes Medicare and Social Security.
In February, Pat Garofalo writing for the Center for American Progress'
Wonk Room called the Republican proposal, "a radical budget proposal
that eliminates long-term deficits by essentially privatizing Medicare
and Social Security and placing arbitrary, non-specific freezes on all
non-discretionary spending."=9D [Center for American Progress, 2/6/10]
At this moment, Speaker Boehner is crafting a deficit deal that would
gut Medicare and Social Security, while slashing benefits for seniors
and the middle class in order to make sure he protects tax breaks for
millionaires. Sign our petition right now and join House Democrats in
declaring that Social Security and Medicare cuts are off the table.
Take Action | Tell the GOP No Social Security or Medicare Cuts
FACT CHECK: Kevin McCarthy Falsely Claims the Republican Plan Would Save
Social Security
Today on CNN's State of the Union, Republican Whip Kevin McCarthy
claimed House Republicans have a plan to "save" Social Security. When
asked whether Republicans would look to reform Social Security, McCarthy
said: "We're not passing it up. We put it in our budget."
In reality, after Republicans tried to privatize Social Security as of
their budget, House Republican leaders--NRCC Chairman Pete Sessions
(TX-32) and Republican Conference Chairman Jeb Hensarling, introduced a
plan that would end Social Security as we know it--a risky privatization
scheme that would gamble seniors' retirement on Wall Street.
House Republicans Propose Social Security Privatization. On June 3,
2011, Pete Sessions introduced the Savings Account for Every American
Act of 2011, a bill to partly privatize Social Security and let workers
opt out of the program. As of July 10, 2011, the legislation only had
Republican co-sponsors. [H.R. 2109, 6/3/11; Dallas Morning News,
Dallas Morning News: Dow's fall shows peril of changing Social Security.
"The stock market fell again Friday, marking a six-week slump. That's
bad news for investors" and bad timing for Dallas Rep. Pete Sessions and
others who want to transform Social Security by creating investment
accounts for workers. Sessions, who runs the Republican congressional
campaign effort, has been pushing as long as he's been in the House to
partly privatize Social Security. Indeed, after President George W.
Bush's failed push for a similar plan early in his second term, most
Republicans backed away from the idea."=9D [Dallas Morning News,
Republican Plan Would 'Destroy' Medicare and Social Security. The
National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare discussing
the Ryan/Republican plan wrote, "In short, it is a budget plan which
decimates Social Security and Medicare in the name of deficit
reduction."=A0 The only thing new about this strategy, is the fact that
Rep. Ryan isn't shy about acknowledging that he believes seniors should
foot the bill for our current economic nightmare "Destroying Social
Security and Medicare, under the guise of deficit reduction, isn't about
creating sound economic policy it's just more of the same old
privatization politics, rewrapped, repackaged and rejected by the
American people just two years ago."=9D [NCPSSM, 2/3/10]
Washington Post's Ezra Klein: Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security are
Privatized. According to the Washington Post's Ezra Klein, "To move us
to surpluses, Ryan's budget proposes reforms that are nothing short of
violent. Medicare is privatized. Seniors get a voucher to buy private
insurance, and the voucher's growth is far slower than the expected
growth of health-care costs. Medicaid is also privatized. The employer
tax exclusion is fully eliminated, replaced by a tax credit that grows
more slowly than medical costs. And beyond health care, Social Security
gets guaranteed, private accounts that CBO says will actually cost more
than the present arrangement, further underscoring how ancillary the
program is to our budget problem." [Washington Post, 2/1/10]
Center for American Progress: Privatizes Medicare and Social Security.
In February, Pat Garofalo writing for the Center for American Progress'
Wonk Room called the Republican proposal, "a radical budget proposal
that eliminates long-term deficits by essentially privatizing Medicare
and Social Security and placing arbitrary, non-specific freezes on all
non-discretionary spending."=9D [Center for American Progress, 2/6/10]